Residential Heating, Air Conditioning, Plumbing & Air Quality Special Pricing!
We always have great deals running for our valued customers. To claim one of the coupons below simply mention seeing it on our website when you call in or when you schedule service through our website form.
You must let us know before service is performed that you’d like to use a coupon or claim an offer.
This is a limited time offer to help our local customers get through the tough winter months
Make sure that you mention this offer when booking online by filling out the promotion box.
Expires: 3/1/2025
Cannot be combined with any other offers or used on prior service. Coupon must be presented to tech at time of service. Restrictions may apply.
$200 off
on Ductless System
What you get from Affordable Fixes Heating Cooling Plumbing:
Expires: 6/1/2025
Cannot be combined with any other offers or used on prior service. Coupon must be presented to tech at time of service. Restrictions may apply.
$59 Indoor
Air Quality Evaluation
Original Price: $199.00
Savings: – $140.00
What you get from Affordable Fixes Heating Cooling Plumbing:
Expires: 6/1/2025
Cannot be combined with any other offers or used on prior service. Coupon must be presented to tech at time of service. Restrictions may apply.
$300 OFF
Complete Heating System
What you get from Affordable Fixes Heating Cooling Plumbing:
Expires: 6/1/2025
Cannot be combined with any other offers or used on prior service. Coupon must be presented to tech at time of service. Restrictions may apply.
$250 Off
on Boiler Replacement Service
What you get from Affordable Fixes Heating Cooling Plumbing:
Expires: 6/1/2025
Cannot be combined with any other offers or used on prior service. Coupon must be presented to tech at time of service. Restrictions may apply.
5% OFF
Heroes Discount
Senior citizens, US military veterans, active military personnel, first responders and nurses receive 5% off all Affordable Fixes services. Our thanks for providing your essential service to our communities.
No Expiration
Cannot be combined with any other offers or used on prior service. Coupon must be presented to tech at time of service. Restrictions may apply.
Before service is performed, please fill out the form below to let us know if you’d like to use a coupon or claim an offer.
We are a family owned heating, cooling, plumbing, sales, service and installation company that has been proudly serving the greater Philadelphia area for over 30 years. What sets us apart is our quality workmanship, superior customer service, fast response and knowledgeable technicians ready to handle all your HVAC and plumbing needs all at an affordable price!
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